![]() The Rhedding-Jones Outstanding Dissertation Award is awarded annually to a graduate doctoral student in recognition of a doctoral thesis that significantly contributes to Reconceptualising Early Childhood Education. The Redding-Jones Dissertation Award has been developed in honor of Jeanette Rhedding-Jones (1943-2013) who mentored doctoral students and early career researchers across many countries. She encouraged and inspired young academics to reimagine early childhood methodologies and practice and to push the boundaries of early childhood research, teaching, policy and pedagogy. To be considered for the award a dissertation will clearly demonstrate contributions to: • Introducing alternative theoretical and/or methodological approaches • Reconceptualising early childhood research and policy • Re-imagining and/or re-orienting pedagogical practices that directly support young children, their families, educators and/or communities |
Recipients of the Rhedding-Jones Outstanding Dissertation Award
Lily Padía (New York University), Communicative justice: Bilingual nonspeaking children and families languaging beyond the spoken word.
Dr Lindsay Schofield (Manchester Metropolitan University), Ecologies of touch.
Dr. Müge Olğun-Baytaş (Penn State University), Everyday citizenship for young children at a faith-based school: An ethnographic study.
Dr. Ayesha Rabadi-Raol (Teachers College, Columbia University), What if you just listened to the experience of an immigrant teacher?
Dr. Claudia Díaz-Díaz (University of British Columbia), Places that speak: Diversity and social responsibility in Canadian early childhood education.
Dr. Luz Marina Hoyos (Concordia University), Honouring cultural differences in early childhood education and care: A participatory research project with a Colombian Embera Chami Indigenous Community.
Dr. Yulida Pangastuti (University of Auckland), Expansion of early childhood education in Indonesia: Finding voices, telling stories.
Dr. Margarita Ruiz-Guerrero (New Mexico State), Nutrition in early childhood: A Black feminist analysis of Head Start.
Dr. Maria Persons (City University of New York), Critical play: Agency, interdependency, and intersectionality in an early childhood classroom.
Dr. Emma Buchanan (Melbourne Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne), From developing child to competent learner: A history of the kindergarten child and progressive reform in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Dr. Sapna Thapa (University of Wisconsin-Stout), The elusive nature of equity and quality in early childhood education: Policy rhetoric, meanings and local perceptions in Nepal and Wisconsin, USA.
Dr. Casey Y. Myers (Kent State University), Children, among other things: Entangled cartographies of the more-than-human kindergarten classroom.